quinta-feira, 19 de novembro de 2015

Durotan, Clan Chief Frostwolf

Durotan, Clan Chief Frostwolf

Durotan, son of Garad, is the head of Frostwolf, former head of the child Garad, Draka companion, friend and countryman of Orgrimm Hammer of Doom. He is certainly one of the most honored orcs who ever lived. Durotan is played by British actor Toby Kebbell, who starred in such films as: Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (2008), The Sorcerer's Apprentice (2010), Fantastic Four (2015), among others.

Toby Kebbell, interprets Durotan

In childhood, Durotan was the heir to Garad, head of Frostwolf, it still Draenor world where orcs came in the years before the First War. He cared deeply about the world and people living in it. This sensitivity may have been the signal for him to become a shaman, but Durotan this was his way. During a Kosh'harg, festival bringing together the Orc clans of Draenor in the lands of Nagrand, he met an orc clan called the Black Rock Orgrim the son of Telkar Doomhammer, and the two became great friends despite They belong to different clans. Durotan was also taken to the "holy mountain" of Oshu'gun at the request of the ancestors, seeking to test whether it could become a shaman and chief of his clan. Unfortunately, he did not see the ancestors, even though he knew they were there somehow. Thus he failed the test.

Oshu'gun in Draenor

During a race between him and Orgrim through Terokkar Forest, they were attacked by an angry ogre, and would have been killed if not for the timely arrival of a draenei Telmor hunting group race that lived in the world of Draenor with orcs, led by Restalaan. Sending a message to their clans, Restalaan took the two orcs to Telmor, and reported that the leader draenei, Prophet Velen, was in town and invited them both to dinner. They discussed the stories of his people, Durotan even commenting that he and Orgrim had learned more about the draenei in that period than their entire race had descoberdo in more than a century.

Durotan and Orgrim,
in Warcraft, The First Encounter of Two Worlds

Upon returning to his clan, Durotan met a young orquisa call Draka. Durotan was surprised, at first, not believing she could be a member of his clan. Although rejected (on the first try), when asking him to join him on a dating game, the two finally came together.
Some time later, the father Durotan Garad was killed in battle against a group of ogres and Gronn (gigantic creature that plagued Draenor), and Durotan became the head of the clan  by inheritance. It was not long after that Ner'zhul, the spiritual leader of the orcs and head of the Shadowmoon, called the heads of clans and shamans to Oshu'gun. Ner'zhul told them that he believed that the ancestors had revealed to him - that the draenei were enemies of the orc people. This was part of a plan outlined by Sir eredar Kil'jaeden, one of the lieutenants of Titan Sargeras, the Destroyer of Worlds. Kil'jaeden led the Burning Legion on a hunt for the draenei. These draenei fled when Sargeras came to them, and Kil'jaeden promised revenge.

Prophet Velen. leader of the Draenei.

Durotan was sent by Ner'zhul to meet with a group led by Velen himself near Oshu'gun where the Prophet revealed that what guided the spirits of the ancestors had been a naaru race of enlightened beings, called K ' ure, who had aided the draenei escape from Argus, homeworld of the draenei 25,000 years ago. The Velen's story was met with suspicion and hostility by the orcs, pricinpalmente by Drek'Thar, the Wolves clan shaman Ice, who called Velen a blasphemer. Despite orders to bring the Prophet and his allies until Ner'zhul, Durotan decided to release them, reasoning that there was no honor in taking a willing prisoner.

During a battle in which they were defeated by the forces of Restalaan, shamans Ice Wolves clan realized that they had been "forgotten" by the spirits. Durotan and Draka took this as a sign that something was seriously wrong, even with Ner'zhul saying that the ancestors had said that this was a just war. It was then that the orcs - under the guidance of the ambitious Gul'dan, Ner'zhul's apprentice - began to take the road of Fel magic, becoming warlocks. Durotan, not wanting to bring attention to himself by opposing the official stance, allowed Drek'Thar and his shaman receiving the wizard training.

Through Gul'dan handling - managed by Kil'jaeden - the clans were united in the First Horde, and several heads of clans, including Durotan, ran for the position of Warchief. However, the favorite (and therefore the person who received that title) was the Blackhand, head of the Blackrock Clan. No one knew, of course, that Black Hand was a puppet of Gul'dan.
With information given to him by Orgrim (now known as the Hammer of Doom, his father died at about the same epoch Durotan's father), Black Hand ordered Durotan to storm the city of Telmor, which was close to the Lobos clan enclosure Ice . The Horde dezimou Telmor and killed everyone it met, including Restalaan, who was defeated by Durotan himself.

Shortly before the attack the draenei capital, Shattrath, Gul'dan called the clans to a mountain. He named the Throne of Kil'jaeden in what is now Hellfire Peninsula, to attend a "gift" of Kil'jaeden - the blood, demon, Mannoroth. Durotan was warned by Ner'zhul, now opposed the war - refused to participate, as did his friend Orgrim ... causing him to fall under suspicion for Gul'dan.
Gul'dan sought to eliminate Durotan, and used one of his slaves draenei to kill Black Hand, blaming Durotan. Black Hand, enraged, Durotan challenged to a duel. The plan did not work however, and Durotan was not defeated and killed.


After the fall of Shattrath and the disappearance of Kil'jaeden, the Horde turned on herself without enemies to fight. It was then that Gul'dan was visited in his dreams by the human wizard Medivh, who was possessed by Titan Sargeras. Medivh ordered Gul'dan to build a website, and that together they would open a large passage between Draenor and the world of Medivh. Durotan continued to voice opposition to the leadership of the Horde. When the Horde went through the portal to Azeroth, Gul'dan exiled Durotan and his entire clan.

Apparently accepting his fate, Durotan and the Wolves Ice inhabited a hidden valley in the mountains of Alterac, just north of the Kingdom of Azeroth. There they lived throughout World War. While there, Drek'Thar had abandoned the wizard path and was able to regain the blessing of the spirits, and returned to shamanism. Your help would be invaluable for survival in the cold land the Ice Wolves now called home. It was at the end of World War that Draka, Durotan companion, gave birth to the son and heir of Durotan, the orc who would become known as Thrall. Realizing that there was much more at stake now that his legacy, Durotan decided to take action against the evil Gul'dan, and traveled to the camp only other orc who was afavor him were: Orgrim Doomhammer.
Doomhammer had, by now, killed Black Hand and become the new Warchief of the Horde, and congratulated Durotan and Draka in his camp. Durotan explained what he knew about Gul'dan, the Shadow Council, wizards group led by him. Doomhammer vowed he would stand by Durotan and punish Gul'dan for his crimes, but - for the sake of his warriors and Durotan - he had to send them away for what he thought was a safe place. Orgrim later she discovered that several of his warriors were Gul'dan spies ... and one of them had accompanied Durotan and Draka to their "safe haven".
A treacherous guard had summoned assassins to kill the leader of the Frostwolfs and his mate. Although he managed to kill at least one of them, Durotan was too injured to continue. His arms cut off to prevent him from playing his son again, Durotan died slowly as the life being drained out of his body, the last thought in his mind was a sense of relief that he would not see his son ripped apart by the creatures forest.

References in World of Warcraft

Durotan makes an appearance in the Warlords of Draenor expansion, ruling the clan Frostwolf in the Serra do Plagueheart. He is a Horde ally in their fight against the Iron Horde.
Durotan was buried in Alterac Valley, under a monument known as Durotan Stone (Rock of Durotan). The inscription on the plaque reads:

Durotan, expansion Warlords of Draenor

"Here lies Durotan -. First Chief of Frostwolf, and the father of our honored Warchief, Thrall He was the bravest of our race. - Betrayed by those who want to see our people enslaved Durotan gave his life to our freedom. We honor the legacy he passed on to us through his son. "
- Drek'Thar, Shaman Frostwolf

Durotan stone in Alterac Valley

The Warchief Thrall, son of Durotan, the name of the region where is located the main city of the Horde, Orgrimmar, Durotar in honor of the father.

Durotar, region of the continent of Kalimdor

Before the release of Warlords of Draenor Expansion was released a series called Lords of War. Below is the chapter that speaks of Durotan.

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